Volvo Large Crawler Excavator EC480E

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Introducing the EC480E digger from Volvo – a powerful and efficient production machine designed to reduce fuel consumption and increase productivity. With advanced technology including Volvo's unique ECO mode and a new electro-hydraulic control system the EC480E delivers fuel efficiency improvement.


  • Operating weight- 45,500 - 53,300 kg
  • Net power- 283 kW (at 1800 rpm)
  • Bucket capacity- 1.55 - 3.3 m³

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Introducing the EC480E crawler excavator from Volvo – a powerful and efficient production machine designed to reduce fuel consumption and increase productivity. With advanced technology including Volvo’s unique ECO mode and a new electrohydraulic control system the EC480E delivers fuel efficiency improvement.

Advanced hydraulics

The new electro-hydraulic system uses intelligent technology to control on-demand flow and reduce internal losses in the hydraulic circuit. This increases controllability shortens cycle times and improves fuel efficiency – resulting in higher productivity and performance.

Work modes

Volvo’s unique integrated work mode system now includes the G4 mode for optimum fuel efficiency and machine performance. Operators can choose the best work mode for the task at hand – select from I (Idle) F (Fine) G (General) H (Heavy) and P (Power max).

Automatic idling system

Engine speed is reduced to idle when the controls are inactive for a pre-set amount of time (between 3 and 20 seconds). This reduces fuel consumption and noise.




Volvo puts customer needs at the heart of its design process. That’s why the EC480E not only increases productivity with 5% faster cycle times but also improves fuel efficiency and meets the latest Stage V engine emission legislation. Capitalize on high torque at low rpm and experience superior performance and reduced fuel consumption.


The optional diesel-driven coolant heater helps to start the engine in low temperatures while simultaneously heating the cab. The heater can be set in advance to engage at a specific date and time.


During the fully automatic regeneration process particulate matter in the Diesel Particulate Filter is oxidized at low exhaust temperatures via passive regeneration. Volvo uses Selective Catalytic Reduction technology where AdBlue®/Diesel Exhaust Fluid is heated to produce ammonia. This causes a chemical reaction which converts NOx to nitrogen and CO2 – both of which are naturally found in the air. Neither process interrupts machine operation performance or productivity.® = registered trademark of the Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA)


The hydraulically-driven electronically controlled cooling fan regulates the temperature of the vital components. It automatically activates only when needed – reducing fuel consumption and noise. The optional reversible functionality – which blows air in the opposite direction – enables self-cleaning of the cooling units.

480E construction agriculture machinery


Download the Volvo EC480E full brochure

Additional information

Engine Model

Volvo D13J

Gross Power

284 kW (at 1800 rpm)

Net Power

283 kW (at 1800 rpm)

Maximum Torque

1928 Nm (at 1350 rpm)

Num of Cylinders


Operating Weight

45500 – 53300 kg

Bucket Capacity

1.55 – 3.3 m³

Maximum Lifting Capacity

17590 kg (at reach 6 / 1.5 m)

Maximum Digging Reach

12146 mm

Maximum Digging Depth

7828 mm

Digging Force - Bucket

251 kN (boost)

Digging Force - Stick

230 kN (boost)

Main Hydraulic Pump Flow

2 x 376 l/min

Pilot Pump

32 l/min

Relief Pressure

32.4-35.3 Mpa

Fuel Tank

680 l

Hydraulic System

525 l

Hydraulic Tank

270 l


3640 mm

Tail Swing Radius

3800 mm

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